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Strategy Email Marketing
Increasing Email's Value: Remembering Why People Open Your Emails

Cox Automotive had a deliverability issue that caused them to rethink their entire approach to email. After developing a short-term solution to get their sender reputation back on track, they used their deliverability to help inform their engagement strategy. In this session, Brian Schmid will discuss:

How Cox Automotive redefined their engagement strategy
Using data to to segment and personalize their emails
How to define and measure success

You will leave this session with an understanding of how to create a plan to define your engagement strategy and create emails for people who want them.

About the speaker
Brian Schmid
Brian Schmid
Sr. Manager, Lead Gen, Martech & CX at Cox Automotive

Brian has more than 14 years of B2B marketing experience. He specializes in program building, thought leadership, lead generation and marketing automation.

Brian believes that marketing should act as a personal service to the consumer, and he develops marketing programs that ensure prospects and clients receive solutions to problems they have.