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Technical Email Marketing
Creating Micro-Journeys for Maximum Results

Journey Builder is a valuable addition to a marketer's toolbox, but like most things, if you make it too complex, you may not be getting the most value out of it. In this session we will talk about the importance of creating measurable points in each journey, show reasons why nimbler journeys might be the better approach, and what you should consider when designing the beginning of your Journey Builder ... journey.

About the speakers
Brian Dobbs
Brian Dobbs
Director, Solution Consulting at Lev

As Director, Strategic Consulting, Brian Dobbs provides technical support and product expertise to customers and his team. Brian’s Marketing Cloud knowledge started before Marketing Cloud was Marketing Cloud during his seven years at ExactTarget before, during, and after the Salesforce acquisition. Brian is a certified Marketing Cloud Specialist, Service Cloud Consultant, and Salesforce Administrator, and is a strong mentor, creative thinker, and strategic planner.

Lauren Donahue
Lauren Donahue
Solution Consultant at Lev

Lauren Donahue started at Lev in 2018 as a Solution Architect after completing a Masters at Ball State in Information and Communication Sciences, Business, Leadership. Lauren has since moved to Lev's Sales Team as a Solution Consultant where she provides technical support and product expertise. During her time at Lev, Lauren has become a certified Marketing Cloud Developer, Marketing Cloud Administrator, Marketing Cloud Consultant, and Marketing Cloud Email Specialist.