#618: Pivoting with Purpose: The Art of Adjusting Your Business Goals
2 min read
#618: Pivoting with Purpose: The Art of Adjusting Your Business Goals

Move your goals without sacrificing your revenue or breaking promises.

As a business owner, I always set goals for each year and quarter depending on the project or offering we have going on. But the truth is – goals don't always pan out as we hope. Life throws curveballs, and suddenly, that ambitious plan feels like a stretch. Not to fear! This is where the concept of "Move the Goal" comes in handy.

When it's clear you aren't going to meet a goal, you need to sit down, reevaluate, and decide how to pivot. And let me tell you, moving a goal does NOT feel good! As someone who values commitment, changing a plan can feel like a broken promise.

But, dear friend – please don't be too hard on yourself if you're in this position. It's perfectly okay to do if you're smart about it. In this episode, I share all of my tips for effectively moving your goals so you can avoid losing significant revenue.

It's not always an easy process, but with the right approach, you can do it in a way that won't let yourself or your team down. I cover what to expect when you move your goals, things you need to know before changing them, and how to adapt so it's not a setback.

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