The State of OpenTelemetry with Jaana Dogan
Associated with
Andreas Grabner Andreas Grabner
Brian Wilson Brian Wilson
Jaana Dogan Jaana Dogan
1 min read
The State of OpenTelemetry with Jaana Dogan

Googles Census, OpenCencus, OpenTelemetry and AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry. Our guest Jaana Dogan, Principal Engineer at AWS, has been working in observability over many years and definitely had a positive impact on the where OpenTelemetry is today. In this episode Jaana (@rakyll) explains which problems the industry, and especially cloud vendors, try to solve with their investment in open source standards such as OpenTelemetry. She gives an update where OpenTelemetry is, the next upcoming milestones such as metrics and logs and what a bright future with OpenTelemetry being widely adopted could bring.