Sales Video Prospecting with Kevin Dorsey & Tyler Washington
Associated with
Kevin Dorsey OLD Kevin Dorsey OLD
Will Aitken Will Aitken
5 min read
Sales Video Prospecting with Kevin Dorsey & Tyler Washington

Layering video on top of your emails, cold calls, and DMs can be an incredible pattern interrupt

It allows you to use visuals, emotions, smile, let the prospect

AND it's hard to automate well, so when done right prospects know it's for them

So what's the best way to incorporate videos into your outbound sales?

In this epic live we've invited two video masters Kevin "KD" Dorsey and Tyler Washington to come chat through their approaches to video prospecting

Hosted by Will Aitken a Vidyard Alumni

We'll cover:
- Where to use video in your outbound
- Ideal video length
- What to say in your videos
- Common video mistakes
- How to get your videos opened
- Other use cases for videos in sales

This one is going to be PACKED with value, see you there!