#555: The Mindset I Adopt When I Don't Know The First Step & Have To Figure It Out
2 min read
#555: The Mindset I Adopt When I Don't Know The First Step & Have To Figure It Out

99% of entrepreneurship is having to 'figure things out' – here's the process I use when I don't know where to start I don't know if anyone has ever told you this, but 99% of entrepreneurship is figuring things out when you have no idea what to do.

That's not an exact statistic, but you get the point.

I can't tell you how many times I've set a goal without having the slightest clue on the first step to take. And I'm talking about big goals – like writing a book, and adding an entire sales department to my team.

For me, having to get a little scrappy in order to figure something out is one of the most exciting parts of being an entrepreneur. I like being resourceful, I like learning new things, and I also get a ton of satisfaction out of creating something from nothing.

But the thing is, the fact that 'figuring it out' is exciting and not overwhelming to me is because I have a very specific mindset I adopt when I'm facing a new challenge.

And in this episode, I'm going to share what that mindset is. . You'll also hear:

Why being resourceful is the key to figuring anything out How to create an identity around the fact that you're a resourceful person The specific steps I take when I'm clueless on how to accomplish my goals The mantra I tell myself when I start to feel overwhelmed If you've ever not done something because you don't know how to do it, then this episode is for you, sweet friend. So pop in those earpods and give this episode your full attention!

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