Resolutions aren't for everyone, but around this time of year most of us start thinking about our intentions for the year ahead. Coincidentally, it's usually also around this time that we are asked to set goals - or provide feedback on direct reports or peers - as part of the annual review process.
As you consider goals for 2020, whether you aim to stay relevant in the ever-changing age of technology, or want to continue to strengthen your leadership skills, books can be a valuable resource. And they can help you formulate feedback and constructive criticism, or even serve as a resource for a team member needing to grow in a certain area.
The books on this list run the gamut - from self-care to professional development - and are a mix of backlist and newly published. But all of them offer tips and teach concepts that apply to all leaders, while still allowing you to remain true to your personality and values. Interested? Read on to learn more.