Hot Take #22: You Shouldn't Be The Smartest Person In The Room by Self Control & Cheese
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 Bridget Poetker Bridget Poetker
40 min read
Hot Take #22: You Shouldn't Be The Smartest Person In The Room by Self Control & Cheese

Have you ever looked around a room and thought to yourself "Do I have a god complex or am I the only person in this room thinking critically?" Because SAME. Sometimes you get put into a situation where not everyone thinks like you do, not everyone is willing to speak up about their ideas, and you end up being the person who's leading every conversation. If that happens there are a few things you can do: 

1. If the people leaving it up to you are hierarchically above you, it may be time to start thinking about what you want from a company. 
2. If the people are your teammates or peers, it can be a great time to start taking on a more managerial role. Start to delegate out and assign tasks to people who many not be willing to volunteer themselves. 
Regardless, you are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time around at work - make sure those people are making you better, not bringing you down. 
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