Old Patterns powering modern tech leading to same old performance problems with Taras Tsugrii
Associated with
Andreas Grabner Andreas Grabner
Brian Wilson Brian Wilson
Taras Tsugrii Taras Tsugrii
1 min read
Old Patterns powering modern tech leading to same old performance problems with Taras Tsugrii

Have you ever thought about reorganizing data allocation based on production telemetry data? Have you ever thought about shifting compiler budgets to parts of your code that is heavily executed based on profiling information captured from your real end users? Whether the answer is yes or no you will be fascinated by Taras Tsugrii, Software Engineer at Facebook, who is sharing his experience on optimizing everything from compilers, to databases, distributed systems or delivery pipelines.

If you want more after listening to this episode check out his recent talk at Neotys PAC titled "Old pattern powering modern tech", subscribe to his substack newsletter, his hashnode blog, or the conference recordings of Performance Summit and Scaling Continuous Delivery.