Converting Creativity: Building Marketing Assets That Drive Real Results
Associated with
Mike Allton Mike Allton
Converting Creativity: Building Marketing Assets That Drive Real Results

Have you ever looked at your marketing assets and thought, "These look amazing... but are they actually driving results?"

It's a challenge that keeps many B2B marketers up at night. Your creative assets might be visually stunning, perfectly on-brand, and absolutely beautiful - but are they converting? Are they truly connecting with your audience and moving the needle on your business objectives? If you're struggling with this balance between artistic excellence and business impact, you're not alone.

Many marketing teams find themselves trapped in the cycle of creating visually appealing content that fails to drive meaningful engagement or conversions. That's exactly what our guest today is here to help us understand and overcome.

Today, we're joined by Meisha Patterson, a dynamic digital marketing expert with a decade of experience who currently orchestrates the digital presence of VMware Explore.