How to make training activities exciting and meaningful for employees with Lauren Goldfinger
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How to make training activities exciting and meaningful for employees with Lauren Goldfinger

In the Taking the Lead podcast episode, "How to make training activities exciting and meaningful for employees," Lauren Goldfinger discusses the evolving role of enablement in businesses. She explains that enablement should not only focus on product launches and go-to-market training but also on how to sell, proving credibility, and leading with insight. Contrary to common belief, enablement professionals do not necessarily need a background in development. They can come from various fields like marketing or sales, and a well-rounded team is essential for successful enablement. Lauren also emphasizes the importance of role-playing in enablement, especially in sales. She suggests making role-plays less intimidating by providing scenarios in advance, conducting them in small groups, and reframing them as practice activities. This episode provides valuable insights into the role of enablement and how to make training activities more effective and engaging.