Website Analysis 101: Tools, SEO, and Examples [2021]
Associated with
Andrew London Andrew London
9 min read
Website Analysis 101: Tools, SEO, and Examples [2021]

Almost every guide to website analysis will tell you that you can evaluate a site's performance by doing any or all of these actions:

Run an SEO audit
Test website speed
Perform competitor analysis
Analyze website traffic
They aren't wrong, and we cover the same practices lower down the page. But we think website speed, SEO, and competitor and traffic analysis only ever tell part of the story behind your website's performance.

The missing piece in your website analysis is understanding your visitors, users, and customers, and giving them what they came to your pages for so they don't just get onto your perfectly optimized site-they stay on it, and use it, and keep coming back. And that's where our guide begins.

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