6 Best Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugins in 2023
Posted Jul 3, 2023 10 min read
6 Best Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugins in 2023

This video discusses the six best Amazon affiliate WordPress plugins for increasing earnings and streamlining workflows. It starts by introducing the AAWP plugin, which allows users to connect the Amazon Associates API to their page and add affiliate links to WordPress articles. The plugin has various alternative display options and is fully mobile responsive. Another recommended plugin is Azon Press, which offers automatic product updates, customizable tables, and performance tracking. Pretty Links is a freemium plugin that hides and tracks all links on a website, including affiliate links, by replacing them with ones featuring the domain name. Thirsty Affiliates is a comprehensive solution for inserting and managing affiliate links, providing monitoring features and user data. Auto Amazon Links is a free solution that automatically updates links and allows users to filter out undesirable items. Lastly, WooZone enables users to display Amazon items as if they were WooCommerce items on their website. The video concludes by recommending the AAWP plugin as the best Amazon affiliate WordPress plugin and providing a tutorial on how to set it up.