Free Kanban Card Templates
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Free Kanban Card Templates

While Kanban continues to be used in manufacturing, it has also become widely used for agile software development. The core principles of kanban - visualize work, limit work in progress, focus on flow, and continuous improvement - help foster transparency and accountability, enhance communication, and improve production and efficiency for any project. The Kanban process enables development teams to create a visual workflow with a Kanban board. This can be a simple whiteboard with sticky notes or an electronic version. Kanban cards are attached to the board to indicate tasks or work items, and cards are moved across the board as workflows through different stages of the development process. A very basic Kanban board may be divided into three sections, or "swimlanes": to-do, doing, and done. As the cards move through the lanes from left to right, it's easy to see the entire process at a glance, limit work in process based on the team's capability, and reduce backups.