The making of How Brain Station helped become top ranking B2C eCommerce Marketplace in Bangladesh - Case Studies and Success Stories
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The making of How Brain Station helped become top ranking B2C eCommerce Marketplace in Bangladesh - Case Studies and Success Stories

The making of How Brain Station helped become top ranking B2C eCommerce Marketplace in Bangladesh
Statistics #1
Serves 2K concurrent visitors and 4 million visitors/month
Statistics #2
Increased 300X times order processing capacity
Statistics #3
50X times business growth in eCommerce
The Background was launched as an eCommerce platform, back in 2015. The platform initially started as a limited feature online store exclusively selling PRAN-RFL products online. Gradually, it turned into the country's leading online marketplace, selling items from both its own-production line and from merchants across the country. It has brought a whole new dimension to the online shopping experience of Bangladeshi people as it merchandises and sells almost everything- from groceries to industrial items today.