How to Analyze, Optimize, & Scale Your Campaigns to $90K Days
Posted Jun 2, 2023 9 min read
How to Analyze, Optimize, & Scale Your Campaigns to $90K Days

In this video, the speaker talks about how to analyze, optimize and scale your campaigns up to $90,000 per day through finding a winning video and using the bump method to increase the budget throughout the day. He explains that the whole scaling process is simple, and with Google, it can be easily done in small steps throughout the day. The method used is called the bump method, where they bump the budget in small steps during the day, in case ROI is stable. Once a winning video is found, it can be scaled up, and the speaker explains how often to increase the budget. He also mentioned the importance of finding a winning video and scaling it up, and the benefit of not re-entering the learning phase. Finally, he emphasized the importance of focusing on broad audiences, the opening scene, and the hook when creating a video, and scaling it up to a massive day.