Hot Take #21: You Have To Suss Out Company Culture by Self Control & Cheese
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 Bridget Poetker Bridget Poetker
40 min read
Hot Take #21: You Have To Suss Out Company Culture by Self Control & Cheese

Because these founders out here are kinda wild fam. Inevitably, when you join a startup or even a mid-size company, the culture is going to be created by the founders. Whether that's good or bad is another question. What you want to look out for is founders, senior leaders, or hiring managers who don't talk about culture, because then you know it's boring and it sucks. What you ALSO want to look out for are founders looking to hire employees that'll give them a confirmation bias and just agree with every shitty idea they have because they tie all of their self worth to their company even though it's not really going anywhere. So we're giving you some pointers on questions you can ask and people you can talk to when looking at a company to make sure you're not getting yourself into a shitty situation disguised as a "rocket-ship opportunity" 🙄
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