Enough Meetings About Meetings About Meetings
Associated with
Adam Grant Adam Grant
Enough Meetings About Meetings About Meetings

We're not Basecamp. We recognize that, sometimes, meetings are a must.

However, we also know that meetings can get out of hand and become exhausting rather quickly.

Perhaps once a day for a quarter, consider doing one day of "no meetings," allowing you and your team to enjoy delving into more profound work, personal reflection, and some much-needed rejuvenation.

Goals of this Playbook:

• Give all team members a large block of time to focus on heads-down work without fitting it in between meetings.

• Allow everyone, including managers, to be 'doers' and 'makers.'


• Fewer disruptions means more team members can be productive.

• You get to check more work off our task lists than any other day of the week.

• For most employees who start this Playbook, this is their favorite day of the week (productivity is rewarding)!