June 30, 2020 marked the 20th anniversary of the Electronic Signature in Global
and National Commerce Act (ESIGN) in the U.S. Before ESIGN established the
validity of electronic signature, real estate transactions required multiple meetings,
huge stacks of paper and ink-and-paper signatures to finalize purchases. Just 20
years ago, the only way to complete that process was to construct a hodgepodge
signature process involving long delays, expensive physical mail, fax machines,
printers, scanners and photocopiers.
The passage of ESIGN eliminated doubt about the legality and acceptance of
electronic signature. ESIGN paved the way for DocuSign and others to build
cutting-edge real estate workflow tools. Milestones like this one are an opportunity
to celebrate how far real estate technology has come and how agents and buyers
benefit from faster, more connected systems.
When DocuSign eSignature was first released, the real estate industry was one of
the primary beneficiaries. Tracking the scale of customer service advances in real
estate is a great barometer of how innovative leaders are using new technology
in everyday transactions. In this ebook, we'll examine a highlight reel of customer
stories, quotes and stats about how electronic signature tools have been used to
accelerate the speed of transactions and give buyers a better experience. As you
read through, think of the ways your organization could benefit from an improved
agreement process today and imagine the exciting improvements that will come in
the future.