Scootaround: multi-store and multi-currency setup using nopCommerce with ERP, financial and rental integrations - Case Studies and Success Stories
3 min read
Scootaround: multi-store and multi-currency setup using nopCommerce with ERP, financial and rental integrations - Case Studies and Success Stories

Scootaround's existing website did not have a satisfactory user experience. The company wanted to integrate orders with customers to their CRM in Hubspot to improve Customer Service.

Customers on the site were unable to rent equipment and internal processes were cumbersome due to a lack of integration with their homegrown ERP – Business One.

Scootaround was not able to offer equipment renting services at airport locations across the USA because that function was not available at the previous platform. Scootaround thought it would help increase revenue by offering financing options to customers.

To customize the rent product functionality as per the location, easily understand customer's requirements, and deliver and pick up location with date and time, product delivery management, etc., Sigma Solve chose nopCommerce to meet the requirements.