Introducing OpenFeature – Stepping into the footsteps of OpenTelemetry with Mike Beamer and Todd Baert
Associated with
Andreas Grabner Andreas Grabner
Brian Wilson Brian Wilson
Todd Baert Todd Baert
Michael Beemer Michael Beemer
1 min read
Introducing OpenFeature – Stepping into the footsteps of OpenTelemetry with Mike Beamer and Todd Baert

Feature Flagging has gained a lot of momentum which we can observe by counting the number of feature flagging solutions. To ensure a good developer experience when implementing feature flags the CNCF OpenFeature project was launched during KubeCon 2022 in Valencia. It is aiming to provide a feature flag standard similar to what OpenTelemetry did for Observability.

Tune in to this podcast where we have two of the founding members Mike Beemer and Todd Baert explain why it was the right time to initiate the project, which problems it solves and what use cases feature flagging brings to organizations.

If you want to learn more about the project check out the following resources discussed during the podcast