Branding Through Customer Experience Like Apple
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David Brier David Brier
Posted Apr 30, 2019 7 min read
Branding Through Customer Experience Like Apple

  For better or worse, your customer's experience is your brand – the collective thoughts and feelings with which they're left based on all their touchpoints with your people, product, and everything else associated with you. So, how do you make your branding win in the long term? To find the answers, we spoke with David Brier, Chief Gravity Defyer at DBD International, a branding consultancy and agency. He's the author of Brand Intervention: 33 Steps to Transform the Brand You Have into the Brand You Need. Related to the gravity theme in his title and to his domain (, two factors are weighing down brands. One is the ever-increasing amount of noise out there. How do you not add to it, but still be a singular voice that's meaningful? The other is to ensure that you, as a brand, as an organization, do not fall into the brand hell of using predictable cliches. Because that will suck the life out of a brand faster than a room full of politicians, as he explains in this short video clip ...   David gets into all that and more in a high-energy and insightful conversation about branding, differentiation, and customer experience. ...