"To Kill a Tiger", directed by Nisha Pahuja and produced by Dev Patel, Mindy Kaling and Rupi Kaur, is a powerful documentary that follows an Indian father's search for justice after his daughter is sexually assaulted. Nominated for Best Documentary at the 2024 Academy Awards on March 10, the film takes an unflinching look at gender violence in India and one resilient family's fight to have their day in court.
Notably, the film started as a different story before evolving into its final form, meaning the editors had to get scrappy to shift with the new storyline. Editor Mike Munn says the team had to set aside around two-thirds of the material they'd been editing, which is no easy feat. Adobe Premiere Pro helped them stay organized and on top of things - read on below as Munn and postproduction coordinator/assistant editor Pranay Nichani share insights into their workflow and collaboration, as well as tips for documentary editors (like staying tapped into new technology and utilizing tools like Text-Based Editing)!