Mastering the Bookends: How Your Open Dictates Your Close (Joe Diliberto @ Sandler Training)
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Joseph Diliberto Joseph Diliberto
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Mastering the Bookends: How Your Open Dictates Your Close (Joe Diliberto @ Sandler Training)


The person asking the questions is the person running the call. While it can feel good to respond to rapid fire questions, make sure you don't lose control of the call by seeking to understand the 'why' behind the question.

Objections are opinions. Instead of jumping to overcome them, seek to understand them, by identifying if the objection is rooted in a lack of why change, why now, or why us.

Use the 2 minute call prep drill: Call Purpose, Desired outcome, Predict their Pains, Guess Behavior Style.

Exchange of information on a sales call should be bilateral, not unilateral. Make the exchange of information equitable by "reversing" (answer a question with a question).

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