UPDATE: Segment your contacts based on list status - get em engaged!
UPDATE: Segment your contacts based on list status - get em engaged!

Our #1 Most Requested Customer Segmentation Idea Unlocked!

For the first time ever, you can segment on a variety of contact status conditions in relation to your various lists in ActiveCampaign. :star-struck:
With these upgraded segmentation options, you can:
- Segment to discover contacts who have never been added to any of your lists + take action
- Discover which contacts unsubscribed, hard bounced or are unconfirmed in one or multiple of your lists
- And, target contacts who meet specific characteristics and/or behaviors along with the subscribed to list (active) status to discover key audiences to target

This feature lives in the segment builder, under the new "Contact List Status." Check it out and choose from a plethora of contact list status conditions for improved targeting, exclusion and list management efforts.
Without further ado, we have launched Contact List Status segmentation.