Migrating to nopCommerce & 2 times growth on average orders - Case Studies and Success Stories
3 min read
Migrating to nopCommerce & 2 times growth on average orders - Case Studies and Success Stories

Mosbatesabz is an online pharmacy. At first, this shop was on another online platform. Due to the inappropriate architecture of primary platform database and many other problems, they decided to migrate to the new platform.

The main problem was that Mosbatesabz had their previous store on a specially developed platform and the website was inextensible and had serious security defects. The old platform database architecture had an unnormalized form and it caused data redundancy and slow queries responses on the database. This problem was one of the major reasons of repetitive down times.

First of all, a mapping service has been implemented, moreover, there was developed a method for every entity in the nopCommerce to collect and prepare data from the old database (in some cases from multiple tables) and map them to the nopCommerce entity.

The huge work was successfully completed. It allowed to achieve a significant decrease in response time and a notable reduction in resource consumption (8 GB Ram usage instead of 256 GB - an impressive result!), which in its turn helped to reduce server resources expenses.