5 ways to use Gmail as an Applicant Tracking System for small business recruiting
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Ajay Goel Ajay Goel
Posted Sep 14, 2019 6 min read
5 ways to use Gmail as an Applicant Tracking System for small business recruiting

For small businesses, finding perfect new employees is key to keeping your operation afloat. And it's a difficult enough task without becoming overwhelmed with an inbox full of applications. The good news is that keeping track of applications doesn't have to be complicated or expensive.

In the recruiting world, there are software solutions designed for this purpose, but they may not be the best choice for your business. A formal applicant tracking system (ATS) might not fit in your small business budget, for example, as most ATS solutions will run you at least $100/month. And because most are designed for bigger businesses, they might not include the features you need.

Also, few of them are as customizable as a specialized small business needs. Even mighty Google, which launched its ATS, Hire, a year-and-a-half ago, found it difficult to provide employers with enough of what they needed. They threw in the towel and closed Hire in September 2019.

Fortunately, there's a cost-effective solution already at your fingertips that lets you avoid all of this. Thanks to its unique features, you can use Gmail as an applicant tracking system without paying a monthly service fee. Using Gmail as your ATS can save you a lot of the time, money, and headaches that come with recruiting new employees. Here are five tips for setting up Gmail to work as an applicant tracking system.

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