#600: Switching Your Niche: How To Know If It's The Right Move For Your Business
2 min read
#600: Switching Your Niche: How To Know If It's The Right Move For Your Business

Unsure about switching your business niche? Here's what you need to know There's a five-letter word that gets thrown around all the time in the entrepreneurial world, and for good reason.
The word I'm referring to is N-I-C-H-E, and the reason that it's talked about so much is that having a niche -- or a thing that you're known for in business -- is incredibly important if you want to stand out from the pack and serve your audience at the highest level.
But what if you feel like your digital course niche simply isn't working for you? Maybe you're not selling very much, or something just feels off about it.
The question becomes whether you should keep on keepin' on with your current niche, or move on to something different.
And that's what today's episode is all about.

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