Lunch Food Ordering of Kids for Private Schools in Miami USA - Case Studies and Success Stories
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Lunch Food Ordering of Kids for Private Schools in Miami USA - Case Studies and Success Stories

Lunch Food Ordering of Kids for Private Schools in Miami USA
Statistics #1
Generated revenue of over $1 million annually for the business
Statistics #2
Reduced customer attrition by 60%
Statistics #3
ROI of over 70%
Sigma Solve, Inc
Creating an online food supply with the targeted audience consisting of students and teachers is not an easy task – especially when parental permission is involved. A custom solution was needed for the client, in which a system where users could select different meals, drinks, and side meals, would be developed, while also addressing the end users' concern of food allergies. In addition, the client wished to reduce the work of users by providing the functionality to repeat meals on selective days and weeks.