#579: Must-Know Online Marketing Industry Updates & Trends For 2023
2 min read
#579: Must-Know Online Marketing Industry Updates & Trends For 2023

Is Your Business Keeping Up? The Top 7 Digital Marketing Updates & Trends To Be Aware Of The State Of The Digital Course Industry & What You Can Expect In The Next Year Holy smokes, things in the digital marketing world are moving fast. From chatbots to ChatGPT, it seems like there's some new technology popping up on the market every single day.
With so much changing, it's hard to know what technology is going to benefit your business the most, and what you should invest both your time and money into.
I've done all of the research, all of the homework, and have tons of insight on all of the trends and updates that I'm sure you're curious about – and I'm sharing it all in this episode.
So if you are ready to level up your marketing plan and serve your audience at an even higher level, then grab something to take notes with and press play on this episode.

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