5. You'll Never Find Your Dream Job by Self Control & Cheese
Associated with
 Bridget Poetker Bridget Poetker
40 min read
5. You'll Never Find Your Dream Job by Self Control & Cheese

You'll never find your dream job and you know what? THAT'S FINE. YOU DON'T HAVE TO HAVE A DREAM JOB. Sorry for yelling but it is so very possible to be happy and fulfilled at your job, find joy in other things outside of work, and be living your own dream. In fact, we think it's incredibly important to be passionate about something outside of work. Y'know, so you're a well-rounded and interesting person and don't just talk about work all day. Because then no one wants to sit next to you at Thanksgiving. So stop fretting about finding the job with no problems and instead spend your time focusing on the problems you have the patience and desire to solve instead. 
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