3. Context Is King (And Queen)  by Self Control & Cheese
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 Bridget Poetker Bridget Poetker
40 min read
3. Context Is King (And Queen) by Self Control & Cheese

Heyyyyyy, so the job market right now? Absolutely fuego for candidates and we are HERE for it. Of course, we love a good trend so we had to participate in The Great Resignation and both got new jobs. So on this episode we're covering the do's and don'ts for your first week at a new gig. Hint: Don't be a dick who thinks they know everything with no context. No matter how much experience you have, you are new to a team and need to gain context before you can actually execute in a noteworthy way. So we give you some examples on how you can get more context, quicker while still feeling like you're "doing stuff" your first few weeks at a new job. Enjoy!
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