Finding a Unique Perspective for Your Show with Lumavate's Stephanie Cox & Michelle Lawrence
Associated with
Lindsay Tjepkema Lindsay Tjepkema
Michelle Lawrence Michelle Lawrence
34 min read
Finding a Unique Perspective for Your Show with Lumavate's Stephanie Cox & Michelle Lawrence

Today's conversation is with Stephanie Cox, the Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Lumavate, and Michelle Lawrence, the Content Marketing Specialist at Lumavate. Stephanie is the host of Lumavate's podcast, "Real Marketers" and Michelle leads the content and social media strategy. Stephanie talks about how your podcast can influence your company and build your brand, and Michelle discusses the importance of add value by creating more content from your podcast. For Stephanie and Michelle, the most important aspect of creating a show is figuring out the unique perspective you can bring to the table. Michelle and Stephanie want to be experts in the space of digital marketing and want to be a place where audiences turn to for great content. However, the biggest challenge in creating marketing content is sharing your authentic self and genuine thoughts with other marketers.
Hear about how to find a unique perspective for your podcast and determine a content strategy for your show in today's conversation.

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