SAP Concur Increases Funnel Velocity by 4X Using Journey Stages to Personalize Web Experiences
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Posted May 29, 2024
SAP Concur Increases Funnel Velocity by 4X Using Journey Stages to Personalize Web Experiences

Led by Lindsay Hasz, Director of Insights and Optimization, the cross-functional team began using journey stages to segment their audience into "awareness" and "demand gen" segments. The awareness group is in the earliest stages of self-education, while the demand gen segment shows signs that they're further along in their buying journey and ready for meatier content.

Lindsay then used the audiences to personalize the experience on the core product pages to offer different content depending on which type of buyer was visiting - awareness visitors were led to the ungated, higher-level content outlined above, and demand gen visitors were led to gated content, such as whitepapers, eBooks, buyer's guides, and high-value forms.