Privacy safe post-ATT behavioral targeting?!?
Associated with
John Koetsier John Koetsier
1 min read
Privacy safe post-ATT behavioral targeting?!?

Our guest is a co-founder of Gamelight, Gunay Aliyeva. ‎Host John Koetsier interviews her about Gamelight, an AI-powered tool that analyzes user behavior and gameplay for targeted recommendations. The tool utilizes AI algorithms and a user's data (with given permission) to suggest games based on their preferences. Gamelight endeavors to minimize game downloads and maximize user retention through personalized recommendations. They also discuss Gamelight's arbitrage strategy of acquiring users at a generalized level, then offering highly targeted advertising opportunities to their partners, focusing on long-term user quality and satisfaction. They also touch on the company's expansion into non-gaming apps, the use of a consumer rewards system, and their global reach.