TV Spielfilm began as a biweekly program guide on television and has since expanded into an internet portal, mobile apps, and live streaming, so its audiences can get complete TV programming when they want. A branch of Hubert Burda Media, TV Spielfilm LIVE was one of the first to launch a TV streaming service in Germany.
Finc3 advised TV Spielfilm LIVE to choose Mixpanel because they needed reliability in cross-platform user tracking to understand viewership across their website, mobile apps, and smart TV apps. Mixpanel proved a strong fit and neatly tied together all interactions under one user ID. With a complete view of their users' interactions across devices, they were able to drive additional streams and increase the likelihood of free users converting to paid.
With the help of Mixpanel, TV Spielfilm LIVE was able to increase its paid user base, double first-time subscribers, and increase streams per user.