When it comes to Black Friday, there can be a lot of pressure to make sure you hit sales targets hard. But if you're only concentrating on in-store or email promotions, you may be missing out on a key channel to reach your customers: Their phone.
Pulled in multiple directions during the holiday, SMS messaging is a way to immediately get the attention of your customers, let them know about promotions, and encourage them to shop from their phone. It's also a way to clue your clientele into upcoming deals, reward loyal customers with "in the know" perks and discounts, and drive in-person foot traffic. Texting cuts right through the holiday noise with 98% open rates and the highest levels of engagement of any marketing channel around.
But you should have a solid promotion plan in place well before the bird hits the oven.
With a thoughtful, well-executed Black Friday text campaign, it's easy to hit sales targets and drive your success throughout the holiday season.