IC Intracom Mexico: increased availability to B2B customers - Case Studies and Success Stories
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IC Intracom Mexico: increased availability to B2B customers - Case Studies and Success Stories

IC Intracom Mexico: increased availability to B2B customers
Statistics #1
99% of sales processed through the webpage
Statistics #2
24/7, 365 days a year availability to customers
Statistics #3
3 times less sales administrators were required
IC Intracom Mexico - a regional representative of an US-based company that develops, manufactures and distributes PC peripherals, accessories and networking products under several brands - earlier had its sales done through a telemarketing department. Orders could only be placed either by phone or an email. The company was growing and after several years, the number of orders increased significantly. Intracom started to look for an opportunity to give customers a self-service option. They had decided to create their eCommmerce webpage. The main requirement was to integrate this page with their existing ERP system.