Cloud computing had been around for decades, but it was adopted at a different pace in different software markets. For example, enterprise resource planning (ERP), supply chain management, or maintenance software vendors took more time adopting the cloud delivery model than sellers of customer relationship management (CRM) or marketing solutions. The reason for a slow adoption was that enterprise software is complex by definition, thus making it difficult to move to the cloud. At the same time, new vendors created new cloud products instead of adapting old solutions to the cloud.
Either way, cloud CMMS had a significant impact on the market. Our data shows that user satisfaction consistently increased in the past five years while the variations in the software price diminished in the same period. The graph below shows an increasing linear trend for Ease of Use and Meets Requirements criteria rated by CMMS reviewers. Also, the reviewers' perception of the costliness of CMMS is now between 3 and 5 (on a scale of 1 to 7, where one is the least expensive and seven the most expensive).