When I think of integration, I picture a well-oiled machine.
All the varying parts are working together to create one unified result. It's why the G2 Crowd research team works so hard to determine which software products integrate with one another.
We understand that the ability to use products or services in tandem could make or break your productivity and, in turn, success at meeting goals.
Imagine you're trying to discover a brand's message or better understand a company's mission. If the sales team delivers a different message than the social media marketing specialist, you're going to have a hard time understanding what that organization's truth is. IMC seeks to eliminate these inconsistencies and ensure you're sending the same signals regardless of team or priority.
Integrated marketing communications are beneficial to multiple audiences. First, it helps your consumer better trust your company and its values. Next, it's beneficial for the stakeholders in your organization.
Owners or those on the board will be content to see your marketing team deliver a consistent message to the audiences that will make your company a success.
If you find your marketing team struggles to deliver a cohesive message, it likely stems from a lack of understanding of the importance of an integrated marketing approach. Simply give this guide a good look and consider making it a required read for any employees looking to help unify your company's marketing strategies.