The 'moat' for your business
How to build an online community
Online community platforms
Generating engagement in your online community
Having trouble finding a community of like-minded individuals? Time to take matters into your own hands.
The radical interconnectivity provided by the internet has made it easier than ever to forge a community across geographic, national, and socioeconomic divides. When time and space cease to be an impediment to human connection, ideas and emotions become unshackled to transform society in a much more uniform manner.
We're still struggling to understand the ramifications of this explosion of the civil sphere. The "fake news" phenomenon and rampant polarization of our political discourse is but one part of a tremendous fallout from this technology's growing pains.
Despite this, a lot of good can come from the ease with which solidarity can be built in the digital age. Online content communities that spring forth from this can be an excellent source of knowledge, inspiration, and opportunity for anyone with a mind to access the peculiar intimacy of these networks.