How Banks and Fintechs Can Personalize Recommendations Using Dynamic Product Messaging
Posted Dec 28, 2021 1 min read
How Banks and Fintechs Can Personalize Recommendations Using Dynamic Product Messaging

In the past, delivering personalized recommendations was easy but the modern consumer has unique needs and engages with financial organizations across different channels.

How do banking and fintech brands offer the same personalized experience to digital consumers?

How can you communicate personalized product recommendations across multiple channels?

Introducing Dynamic Product Messaging by MoEngage.

Dynamic Product Messaging (DPM) helps banks deliver high-value financial advice through a 360-degree user profile analysis, user behavior analysis, understanding preferences, and financial history.
Watch the video to find out how Dynamic Product Messaging or DPM works.
Implement DPM in your campaigns and start sending personalized recommendations to your customers from today.