Never trade possibilities for probabilities. | Yaagneshwaran Ganesh | TEDxSarjapuraRoadSalon
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Never trade possibilities for probabilities. | Yaagneshwaran Ganesh | TEDxSarjapuraRoadSalon
TEDx Talks TEDx Talks

Its been only a decade since we have witnessed the realm of future technology and how it has been affecting our lives. Some believe the future technology i.e AI and Blockchain might take control whereas, others have high instinct to state that humans will take this as a possiblity. Yaagneshwaran mentions how we humans can take every task as a challenge. Yaagneshwaran Ganesh is among the top 100 global martech influencers, author of 5 books, a speaker on global forums, a columnist and an active member of the startup ecosystem. He has served as a consultant and sounding board to startups in the Asia Pacific and Europe.

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