How ManyChat reduced manual work and grew page 1 keywords by 266% with MarketMuse
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Fara Rosenzweig Fara Rosenzweig
How ManyChat reduced manual work and grew page 1 keywords by 266% with MarketMuse

ManyChat is a chat marketing platform that helps businesses automate their Instagram DMs
and Facebook Messenger interactions, empowering marketing, sales, and support teams alike.
The Chatbot market is a growing and competitive one, as AI advancements continue to forge
ahead and more people try to jump in the game. To stay competitive, the team at ManyChat
works on both paid and organic strategies, including a large focus on creating original content
for their website and blog, which sees 60 to 75 new posts each month.
With such a large focus on content development, Head of Content Fara Rosenzweig continually
found herself in a loop of manual content tasks including auditing, keyword research,
competitor research, and content brief creation.
In search of a more efficient way to empower herself and her team to get more done, Fara
turned to MarketMuse.