Hot Take #20: Being Active On Social Media Doesn't Make You Good At Your Job by Self Control & Cheese
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 Bridget Poetker Bridget Poetker
40 min read
Hot Take #20: Being Active On Social Media Doesn't Make You Good At Your Job by Self Control & Cheese

Ok so here's the thing. We've all seen some straight up DUMB takes on social media that have gotten way too much engagement. It feels like we're taking crazy pills because the content is just so..... bland. And if we were to guess, the people who have mediocre thoughts are generally performing in a mediocre fashion at work because they prioritizing their social media presence over their work. And then there are people who are amazing to work with, incredibly smart and mindful, great at their jobs and silent on social media. That's FINE. Activity on social media does not mean that you show up to work every day and crush it at your job. Unless of course your job is to be active on social media but that's a hot take for a different day. 
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