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🎥 How Do You Decide How Big To Grow Your Agency? (Agency Summit)
Oct 04, 2022
🎥 What Common Mistakes Do Agencies Make When Trying To Grow? (Agency Summit)
Sep 07, 2022

Since 2018, my life's work has been devoted to serving executives, entrepreneurs, and business owners explore opportunities of solving their problems creatively.

Through my 1:1 conversations and group coaching, I've been able to provide spaces for leaders to think and create.

I'm not the standard life and business coach that you've come across before.

When you experience coaching with me, a space is created for you to be truly seen and heard for the first time in your life.

That sounds bold and it is intended to be.

I subscribe to 10 principles/disciplines that have benefitted my clients over the years:

1) Ruthless Honesty
2) Intense Love
3) Generous Listening
4) Enthusiasm
5) Presence
6) Bold Requests
7) Curiosity
8) Decisiveness
9) Relentless Optimism
10) Loyalty

My background in Psychology supports my use of coaching to gain better insights into human behavior.

In my early 20's, I thrived as a leader in management for non-profit organizations supporting individuals with different abilities (cognitive impairment, autism, cerebral palsy, etc.) for nearly 10 years.

In my 30's, I made the decision to change careers and joined a program to help NY homeowners and property owners earn state grants to rebuild their homes after damages incurred from Super Storm Sandy.

From there, I transitioned into Sales and Marketing where I've been able to support 6 figure launches and programs from business and executive coaches.

I've been the go-to person when challenges arise and provide exceptional support and guidance.

This isn't bragging, because it's true. I could go on about my accomplishments but the time you have in my universe is really about YOU. If you want to see what others say about me to validate this then stop by my website and you can read about several success stories there.

Or you could skip that and be bold by choosing to experience my coaching,
Consider this a treasure quest because every challenge and opportunity you experience contains gold with it.

My job is to serve you so YOU can see it and operate from that place of strength and certainty.

My mission is to love, serve, and care about YOU, Your life, Your business, and Your state of being.

I'm opening the door to dedicate time to serving you.

If you're ready to take inspired, impactful action with my support, then let's talk and we'll explore what's possible for you and your business:
