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How To Humblebrag Your Way Through The Worst Part Of A Job Interview
Apr 01, 2019

I combine my skills in writing, storytelling, project management, marketing, and communications to craft engaging content for SoftServe.

On the side, I work as a career consultant, helping clients to understand their goals and passions and plan their next career move.

When not working as a career consultant, I also contribute to Medium, Charleston Living Magazine, The Everygirl, and more. One of my pieces for Medium's Gen magazine has over 2 million views and counting.

Needless to say, all of these experiences have allowed me to become an expert in content creation, social media marketing, and project management.

Previously, I collaborated with the VP of Marketing at OrionCKB (later bought by EliteSEM - now Tinuiti) to build our content marketing strategy by reviewing analytics, monitoring and understanding target audiences, and optimizing content. Telling great stories through both blog posts and long-form content allowed me to drive a 1000%+ increase in our website readership.

Before working at OrionCKB, I used my skills in customer service, writing, event management, planning, and leadership to manage the wide variety of needs for a 1K+ member organization.

My work ethic dates back to college where I helmed 3 student organizations, worked part-time and still managed to graduate with a 3.73 GPA (though I remain devastated at missing magna cum laude status by 0.02). I graduated right when the economy tanked and decided to pursue law school. Though practicing law turned out not to be my passion, I did gain serious expertise into effective writing, communication, public speaking, and excelling under pressure (nothing like a courtroom of 300 people to prove yourself!).

For fun, I enjoy couponing as a way of collecting goods to donate to local charities, writing, attempting to excel at yoga, and obnoxiously posting pictures of my pomeranian-poodle mix on social media
