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Boost Your Social Media Engagement With Andrew Neumann
Nov 16, 2022
Podcast Episode

Andrew is a customer obsessed product focused leader who has worked in the triangle of tech, health, and academia for over a 15 years. He has perviously held roles in Fortune 200, R1 Research Institutions, and a couple startups. He has over 7 years of experience with AI, machine learning, and ample experience with highly regulated environments.

Andrew has successfully lead 0 to 1 product development with global cross-functional product teams up to 400 people. He has deep technical experience along with diverse business & operating experience, allowing him to closely partner with internal teams while keeping heavy focus on the customer.

Andrew is always open for an interesting conversation regarding R&D or Product. He especially loves startups, solving 'hard' problems, and building data driven platforms.

Feel free to book some time and say hi 👋 (DM me if we're already connected and I'll wave the deposit, hedging for the no shows):

podcast episode