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Webinar Series: eCommerce done right
Sep 28, 2023
Webinar: VPS hosting basics for beginners
Sep 28, 2023

With 9 years of experience building and supporting e-commerce technology, I now focus specifically on web-based fundraising products. I chose this industry because I'm passionate about doing work that supports good causes, and I find great fulfillment in giving nonprofit organizations and individuals the tools they need to make the world a better place. Recently, I've developed an interest in crowdfunding and hope to explore that more in the future.

At GiveWP, I prioritize work for the development team, define feature requirements, lead collaboration with other teams, achieve stakeholder buy-in, and generally just keep things moving (in the right direction). At the end of the day, that often boils down to reminding everyone of our direction and scope, why we all supported it in the first place, and what we risk if we change directions or increase scope now.

My leadership style is supportive and collaborative. I prefer to lean on my teammates' expertise and autonomy over helicopter-style monitoring. I'm also handy at peer mentoring and advocacy, and I usually form a mutually beneficial "board of advisors" among coworkers.

I love connecting with other product folks, so please feel free to send a connect request if you think I'd be a valuable addition to your network.
