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How to ask for testimonials and reviews from your clients
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What you need to know about WordPress 5.0 and Gutenberg
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14 useful web design tools to improve workflow and increase efficiency
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How to create a custom 404 page in WordPress
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Freelancer's guide to speeding up a client's WordPress site
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How to use WordPress with cPanel
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How to set up 301 redirects in WordPress
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Clone WordPress sites to kickstart new projects
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Welcome to my LinkedIn profile - so nice to have a visitor! Please grab a cup of your favorite beverage and sit back while I say nice things about myself:

I'm a technology writer and web developer that's been knocking around the internet since my earliest opportunity (thank you CompuServe). But don't worry, my skills aren't nearly as old as my copy of Peter Norton's Inside the IBM PC. Plenty of hands on training has ensured that.

Qualifications Include:
• Strong technical background with a degree in computer science.
• Extensive experience conceiving, designing, and implementing applications using PHP, MySQL, HTML, Linux, and supporting technologies.
• Understanding of relational database design and SQL.
• Proven organic SEO (search engine optimization) skills, bringing several websites to the first or second SERP (search engine results page) for competitive keyword terms.
• Strong writing background with extensive publication credits and ability to communicate technical topics clearly.
• Hands-on and more hands-on making, managing, and marketing websites.

Technical Toolbox:
PHP, SQL/MySQL, Linux (RHEL), Apache web server, HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, Bootstrap, JSON, XAMPP, cPanel, putty, responsive design. Farther back - C, Pascal, a tad of Perl, and, dare I mention it? COBOL II. WordPress, Joomla, Google Analytics, SQLYog and other DB access tools, Putty and similar SSH remote access tools, Filezilla and similar FTP tools, image manipulation software. Google AdSense, Google Analytics, AdvertServe software, webmaster and email tools.

Also in the mix: Website speed optimization, search engine optimization (SEO), web metrics, social media, website advertising sales and management, content acquisition and management, mailing list management.
